14 message ~every ballad songs 2~, Every Little Thing

"14 message ~every ballad songs 2~" is the title of Every Little Thing's 4th "Best Of" Albums. It was just released on Valentines Day 2007 and is currently No. 2 on Oricon's Album chart. It is a collection of some of Every Little Thing's best songs and celebrates the tenth anniversary of the group's debut. Includes all their singles, live recordings, and fan-selected tracks spanning their complete history of ballads!

14 message ~every ballad songs 2~(フォティーン・メッセージ~エヴリ・バラード・ソング・ツー~)全曲原音で収録されており、ヒット曲「UNTITLED 4 ballads」収録曲、「恋文」、「また あした」といった前作ベスト以降の14曲が収録されている。

2. キヲク
3. 雨の鳴る夜、しずくを君に
4. ソラアイ
5. nostalgia
6. しあわせの風景
7. azure moon
8. ルーム
9. 恋文
10. 五月雨
11. 帰り道
12. good night
13. また あした
14. 愛の謳

I'm listening to the album now and I really like what I'm listening to so far. I'll probably submit some lyrics once I'm done translating them. In the meantime, you can view the PV of ELT's song UNSPEAKABLE from Oricon here. You can also read about the interview with ELT regarding their new album (sorry it is in Japanese only).


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