麥兜游Disneyland! McDull (麥兜) is a cartoon pig character that was created in Hong Kong by Alice Mak and Brain Tse (who also created another cartoon pig called McMug). Here we see Mcdull visiting Hong Kong Disneyland. Click on the thumbnails for a larger view!!
Utada Hikaru's latest Japanese album entitled "ULTRA BLUE" is scheduled for released on 06/14/2006. Yamada Masashi, featured on the track "One Night Magic", is the lead vocalist of the J-Rock band, The Back Horn. The song "This is Love" was recently used as the song for the new Nissin Cup Noodle commercial. The album will also include hit tracks from singles such as "Colors", "Dareka no Negai Kanau Koro", "Be My Last" and "Keep Tryin'".
01. This Is Love
02. Keep Tryin'
03. BLUE
04. 日曜の朝
05. Making Love
06. 誰かの願いが叶うころ
08. One Night Magic feat. Yamada Masash
09. 海路
11. Be My Last
12. Eclipse(Interlude)
13. Passion
Utada Hikaru - This is Love
Check out Hikki's official site here for more news and updates.
credits to chin yee LAM
Several indescribable feelings surfaced tonight.
Its another one of those sleepless nights.
Where I'd ripped my heart to bits.
Where I'd need a cigg, or a choc.
There's no yearning,
for there's nothing lost.
No feelings hurt,
for it never was.
So what about the promise you made?
Guessed that you've already forgotten.
A fool who only blindly paid,
to only have faith to be broken.