Metzanima is a project created by Gonzalo Laserna and Alejandro Ahumada in 2003, which in 2004 turned into a solo project for Gon. Gon was born in Stockholm-Sweden but with Bolivian/Greek roots. Turning 14 he moved to Bolivia where he started as a Dj in La Paz mixing Goa/Psytrance. After 7 years in Bolivia he returned to Sweden where he studied sound engineering. At this point, Gon starts composing his own music and creates Metzanima.
In late 2004 Gon is back in Bolivia with new inspiration and starts to experiment new sounds.
At this point he meets Anselmo Portugal, a great Bolivian musician, together they fused Psytrance with Bolivian native instruments such as zampo?a, quena, toyo and charango, which took the traditional tunes to new levels. In March of 2005 Metzanima presented its first album "TransAndino" with a live act, in La Paz-Bolivia. At present time Metzanima resides in Stockholm and works full time making weird noises.
Metzanima - La Paz
Visit their site here.
OMR are a newly-formed European duo who have entered into an already overpopulated musical space, that of electro-infused pop music. With so many groups currently vying for attention under the electropop moniker and with electroclash more generally being well and truly past its fad-of-the-moment prime, it's a wonder that these groups still continue to crop up.
Nonetheless, OMR are a fashionably late addition to the electro milieu. Some of the tracks on their Side Effects release tend to the more electrobreaky side of the electroclash spectrum while others tread into tech-house territory. Somehow, many of them end up sounding the same, perhaps because most of them depend on the same elements: moaning female vocals, uncomplex melodies and quirky samples.
Staccato, 16th note basslines littered throughout the album produce that classic electroclash feel. Four and eight bar progressions draw attention to the synthetic nature of the employed instruments. Dark and moody, a sorrowful element pervades the album and climaxes with tracks burning with an anthemic angst such as "The Door" and "Wholly."
OMR - The Door
Visit OMR's site here.
Below are the lyrics for Universal Music's great track <同步過冬>, (literal translation, "Having Winter Together") as performed by several reknowned Hong Kong artists in Winter of 2001 such as Alan Tam, Leslie Cheung, Hacken Lee, Cecilia Cheung, Lam Kee, Nicola Cheung, etc.
曲 : 方樹梁 詞 : 甄健強 編 : 杜自持
張國榮: 如果這算患難 別讓你太孤單 失意于落葉漫天的瞬間
黃耀明: 熱暖無限
黃耀明/張國榮: 誰的雙手一轉彎 夠讓你心內平淡
黃耀明: 一個人嫌冷
黃耀明/張國榮: 擁抱尚未晚
李克勤: 捱不過這極限 用我作你支撐 不過要堅守絕不可折返
張柏芝/丁菲飛: 暴雪太專橫 獨木舟都要翻 卻沒法阻礙旗艦
陳曉東: 一個人拿傘 風會特別猛
張柏芝/丁菲飛: 同步過冬 一起對付寒風 當天金粉多重
譚詠麟: 也別要被昨日快樂的日子操縱 面前疾風 冰冷面孔都抵不上這夜迎面抱擁
張柏芝/丁菲飛/張桑悅/黃伊汶: 同步過冬 一起冀待晴空 雙肩不怎么重
李克勤: 我愿雪下過亦帶著希望的手信 走過寒冬 擁抱成功
李克勤/譚詠麟: 改天想起這次不算凍
臨記: 同樣人期待 溫暖白光感受會知道 日久見人心
患難現真情 現真情 何必困憂 光跡傳手中 希望在明天同步過冬
丁菲飛: 捱不過這極限 用我作你支撐
譚詠麟: 不過要堅守絕不可折返
張桑悅/丁菲飛: 暴雨太專橫 獨木舟都要翻 卻沒法阻礙旗艦
恭碩良: 一個人拿傘恭碩良/張桑悅:風會特別猛
黃伊汶/丁菲飛: 同步過冬 一起對付寒風 當天金粉多重
黃貫中: 也別要被昨日快樂的日子操縱 面前疾風 冰冷面孔 都抵不上這夜迎面抱擁
張柏芝/丁菲飛/張桑悅/黃伊汶: 同步過冬 一起冀待晴空 雙肩不怎么重
陳曉東: 我愿雪下過亦帶著希望的手信 走過寒冬 擁抱成功 改天想起這次不算凍
合唱: 同步過冬 一起冀待晴空 雙肩不怎么重 我愿雪下過亦帶著希望的手信
走過寒冬 擁抱成功 悲傷的偏不要給說中
THE STROJ - started to realize the idea of constructing an audio rhythmical machine. Their volition for distinctly physical musical access, oriented them into exploration of motion, that produces sound, and which brought them to the conclusion that traditional (i.e. serial manufactured musical instruments, won't fit the job. The alternative lied at the nearest waste yard: parts of dumped machines, empty fuel and chemicals containers, construction pipes and various screws, proved to be defiant enough to the strong strikes of sticks, hammers and chains.
They describe themselves in the third person as an ‘audio rythmical machine’, their performances are ‘urban rituals’ and they ‘call for the listener’s motoric action’.
The Stroj - Transiberia 720
Visit their site on
Alexandroid is one of the many recent Russians musicians contributing to the click house end of the electronica scene at the moment. Their music is distinct from this community, though, by its warmth and tunefulness, citing classical composers like Debussy and Satie amongst his influences. The track "Energy" from the album "False Starts" is a well-executed, if not ground-breaking selection of his most recent work.
On their concerts the artist demonstrate how does anti-lounge electronic music sound (anti-easy, jazzy): noise, techno, industrial, minimal and psychedelics.
Alexandroid - Energy
Visit their official site on LoRecordings here.