
Bought Tsuji Ayano's (つじあやの)album "Balanco" awhile ago but didn't really write much about it. This album is one of her older works and was released on 17/04/2002. It basically retains much of her original style which is predominantly light and happy. Notable tracks in this album are サンデーモーニング (Sunday Morning) and 恋人どうし (Koibito Doushi).

Here's the tracklisting for Balanco:
01. あの子のしあわせ
02. サンデーモーニング
03. 愛のかけら☆恋のかけら
04. 僕の好きだった人
05. 悲しみは果てしなく
06. 恋人どうし
07. 君に会いに行きましょう
08. 僕のすべて
09. 星の輝き
10. 君の花が咲いていた
11. いつまでも二人で

Tsuji Ayano - サンデーモーニング (Sunday Morning) (Streaming Real Audio)

Her official site is here.



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