林憶蓮 - 呼吸 Breath Me
Published by elpis on Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 9:33 PMSandy Lam's latest Mandarin album "Breath Me" which was released on the 29th of August 2006 was simply superb! The album features a Mandarin cover version of UK band New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle". She titled her rendition of the classic hit "One Person" and recorded it in two different versions (Track 1 and 14). Her voice is angelical, crisp and smooth to your ears.
This album is so good that I cannot stop playing it over and over again on in my car and my computer, whether I'm studying for my exams, finishing my assignments, or just reading email. In my opinion, this album is better than her last Cantonese album entitled "True Colours" released in 2005.
01. 一個人
02. 面對面 [歌詞 Lyrics] [Video]
03. 日子
04. 詞不達意 [歌詞 Lyrics]
05. 南方的風
06. 放開手 [歌詞 Lyrics]
07. 箴言
08. 要不要
09. 日子
10. 呼吸 (Q Mix)
11. 斷線
12. 相信
13. 玩伴
14. 一個人 (不安份 Mix)
主打「一個人」是改編自英國樂團"New Order"的熱播作品,新詞由周耀輝填上,編曲充滿懷舊復古的電子音樂氛圍,顯然又是一首會在迪斯可熱播的歌曲。「詞不達意」旋律譜得好,有一份聽完後仍叫人未能抽離的魔力,小寒的歌詞也填得相當細膩。許哲佩的「放開手」是首佳作,整首歌有一份強烈的生活感,歌詞寫出走出陰霾後的自由自在,憶蓮把那種感受成功演繹出來。點題歌「呼吸」詞曲編俱不錯,更吸 引的是整首歌的氣氛。「相信」是林夕填詞的作品,內容讓人感動,情懷很細致,與曲調也相當配合。這首歌在新加坡的音樂排行榜上取得相當好的成績。其他歌曲方面,「面對面」和「日子」亦值得一聽。
很遺憾的,前幾天在新加坡舉行的《夜色無邊世界巡迴演唱會 2006》我沒辦法參加。上個星期在馬來西亞的演唱會,我也錯過了。關於演唱會的圖片和音樂片段可以在以下的網址觀賞:
林憶蓮新加坡演唱會06.12.09 Fans Sharing
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