Best of Contemporary Nu-Jazz, Downtempo and Breakbeat

Here's a list of some of the top 10 nujazz/downtempo tracks I've listened to. I've actually published this list on sometime ago but I didn't feature it here. Most artist from this list are indie-based and signed to small labels with the exception of Japanese DJ, Towa Tei.

Best of Contemporary Nu-Jazz, Downtempo and Breakbeat:

1. Neutrino - Syupaman (mp3) [Read more]
2. Seksu Roba - Zero Gravity Miniskirt (mp3) [Read more]
3. Ohrlab - Voyage (mp3) [Read more]
4. DishTone - Grand Piano
5. Cinélux - Hollis (mp3) [Read more]
6. OMR - The Door (mp3) [Read more]
7. Slowly Minute - A Constellation & Shooting Stars
8. Towa Tei - A Ring
9. Zagar - Bossa Astoria (mp3) [Read more]
10. Skalpel - Ninjazz (mp3) [Read more]



Anonymous said...

thnx for using us with such a fine names..

keep on grooving


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